What are the important attributes of fanzines?

Fanzines offer strategies for rewriting popular texts so that they are more relevent to people's lived experiences. In this way they challenge the ideology of "original" texts by staging the writer's image-repertoire rather than Entertainment's. Consider Slash), a style or subgenre of zines, which challenges the assumed heterosexuality of most Entertainment texts by writing well worn characters such as Captain Kirk and Dr. Spock (of Star Trek fame) into a homosexual relationship. In this instance, Slash foregrounds the homoerotic nature of these character's relationship in the original series, a subtext the series' producers worked hard to suppress. Zines blur the distinction between "content and form" by foregrounding aesthetics so that the "look" of a zine is in fact pregnant with meaning itself. That is, zines reason by pattern rather than logic. Fanzines also tend toward inventive rather than prescriptive techniques thereby offering writers an alternative to critical distance, or even, a method for overcoming critical distance.