Call for Papers for First and Second Issues

A Counter-Disciplinary Journal of Philosophical, Cultural, and Literary Resistance

Special Topic for Issue One: "Universities as a Space of Resistance"


Deadline for issue one: MAY 15, 1996. Deadline for issue two ("Neo-Imperialism, Nomadism, and the Future of Postcolonial Studies"): SEPTEMBER 30.

Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate (and if possible on an IBM compatible 3.5" disc, WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1 for Dos or Windows if you have it). Please use Chicago Manual of Style Author/Date/Endnote citation format. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with endnotes, tables, charts, maps, etc. on separate pages. Submit to Robert Marzec, Editor, "Crossings," Department of English, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000.


Our first issue will focus on the special topic of "Universities as a Space of Resistance." How might the space of the university offer alternatives to apparatuses of the State and the dominant culture and their prohibitive modes of knowledge production?

Possibilities for articles: Budget cuts and "downsizing" of the university. What is at stake in the move to privatize education? How can different disciplinary studies form communities of resistance with other disciplines?

Topic for issue two: "Neo-Imperialism, Nomadism, and the Future of Postcolonial Studies."


Subscription rates are $36.00 institution, $26.00 Graduate Student Organizations, $22.00 individual, $14.00 student; single issue prices are $8.00 student, $12.00 individual, $19.00 institutions. Send all correspondence concerning subscriptions to "Crossings" Subscriptions, Department of English, Binghamton University, Binghamton NY, 13902-6000. E-mail: crossrm@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu

"Crossings" does not reflect or pursue any particular orthodoxy, but instead interrogates the orthodoxies of culture that students, professors, and university departments must confront today--prohibitive orthodoxies that not only encourage, to name just one example here, the massive privatization of educational institutions, but also seek to eradicate the independent and resistant essence of the student population. We intend "Crossings" to be a journal that bears witness to the enabling possibilities of resistance. "Crossings" invites articles form both students and professors from other universities who are concerned about these and similar issues.

Visit our Web Site: http://english.adm.binghamton.edu/grad/xbound/ctb.html

KAIROS Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments.
Vol. 1 No. 2 Summer 1996