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Resources for Writing Seminars

Clear Writing Requirement Orientation

This link will take you to the homepage for the Clear Writing Requirement Orientation. There you will find information about the Clear Writing Requirement (CWR) (including an alumnus written guide), a link to a HyperNews discussion, and information on joining an e-mail discussion.

The Courses

  1. New England Authors at a Glance

  2. Community Literacy at a Glance

  3. The Writing Tutors' Hours for Fall '97
  4. Resources for Writers

  5. Writing Resources
  6. Medical and Scientific Writing offers advice, style guides, links to journals for medical and bioscience writers. It's geared toward helping the writer create and edit manuscripts for publication in medical and bioscientific journals. Thus it offers: Tips for formatting manusripts; Tips for non-English scientific writers; and Free scientific and medical software.

  7. The Associated Writing Programs, a resource for creative writing programs.
  8. Victor Vitanza's CyberReader

  9. Research on the Web

  10. An Online Research Tutorial. This is new and still in the process of being designed, comments are welcome.

  11. Tools for Searching the Internet
  12. Marlboro Library References includes a text-only copy of the Marlboro Guide to Handling Sources for both print and Internet sources.

  13. Internet Communities Overview
  14. Tips, Guides, and Courses Past

  15. Tidewater Community College's List of Grammar Hotlines where help with grammar and punctuation is only a phone call or e-mail message away.
  16. General Guide to UsingE-Mail
  17. Tips for Writing with a Word Processor
  18. Tips for Writing Correct English (Facetious)
  19. Writing and Literature Discussion Groups from Usenet
  20. Fall '95 Writing Seminar Resources
  21. Writing Seminar: Writing on the Body: Fall '96
  22. Writing Seminar: Reflections on Community: Fall '96

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